Get Involved

What would it look like to seek renewal and transformation in our city in the context of an elementary school?

What would it look like to empower a diverse group of learners to become successful contributors in their communities for the glory of God? What would it look like to blend the gospel, the arts, and academics in a multi-sensory education that develops the whole child?

These are the questions that you help answer with your involvement at Providence School of Arts. Each volunteer hour, each prayer, and each dollar, that you give empowers our community to authentically live out the vision and impact the lives of each child at Providence School of Arts.



Become an Ambassador

Ambassadors do what we can’t do on our own. They connect us with people we don’t know. They put our message before an audience we don’t have. They create a sense of movement much greater than any one of us. They play liaison between us and the surrounding community. They represent a message of opportunity and restoration to people who need to hear it and say, “Come, join the narrative!”

Some things Ambassodors do:

  1. Engage in online content
  2. Connect us with your church
  3. Host a lunch and learn
  4. Liaison with your community
  5. Be our hands and feet

Consider joining this dynamic group of individuals. For more information contact

Church partners

Create a pathway in which your church can connect with the narrative of restoration and reconciliation at Providence School of Arts. We believe in the power of prayer and desire for your church to pray for us and with us as we seek to make a lasting impact in Kansas City for the glory of God. Church Partners receive a monthly email with prayer requests, updates, and more.